Let me pencil that in…

The astute amongst you, or those that check back here regularly, might have noticed a new widget in the sidebar and a new menu item (up there ^). I’ve added an events calendar to the site and over the coming weeks I’ll be adding events to it.

If you are running an event (no matter how small) then drop me a line with the details. Off the top of my head I need things like name, date, times, entry fees, postcode – for the map and a short description but the more information the better so links to PDF flyers would be a bonus. I can also add links to a website if you have one set up for the event (or your club site).

So how much is this advertising going to cost you? Well, absolutely nothing other than your time to send me an email. I’m hoping to provide a comprehensive list of events, mostly focussed around the UK but also abroad. As I learn a little more about how it works there are features like connecting it you your calendar software (google calender, outlook etc) and receiving twitter alerts of upcoming events.

So, send your event information to stewart@throughthewormhole.com!

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