I’m still alive!
It’s been far too long since I’ve updated this, in honesty, I forgot about it. So much for this keeping me active and painting eh?
Well, things have been progressing a little at least. Today I started putting together the custom MDF bases for my 1/600th Cold War army. I’ll do a more detailed run down of it in another post (it’s based on the 22nd Armoured Brigade plus divisional support so researching it was really interesting).
I’m basing the army for Cold War Commander, but with the slight difference that instead of 6mm (1/300th) models and 1 tank representing a troop, I was each tank to be a tank. So each tank troop will be mounted on a 40mm square base, with a raised 10mm x 20mm block for the identification markings (country, regiment, squadron and troop). The squadron HQ are on 25mm circular bases, again with the 20×10 ID block, with the Regiment HQ on a 40×40 (to maintain realism, there’s just too much to fit on a 25mm circle). Anyway, onto the pictures!

The next step is to get the filler out and texture the main area of the base (avoiding the raised area) and print out some tags (easier than it sounds, may take some trial and error to get the sizes right).
Hopefully next time you see these, the Queen’s Own Hussars should be looking a little shinier. Next time though, I think will be another 6mm Ancients update, since there’s progress there and changes afoot!
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